Plein Air painting with Hilton

I share my painting experience in acrylic and oils, by offering a plein air painting guide service to locales on the Texas Llano Estacado and New Mexico Billy the Kid Country. Contact me if you are interested. or leave me a message at 806-392-3690

Gallery Representation:

Charles Adams Gallery
602 Ave, J.
Lubbock, Texas 79401

Juried Solo and Group Shows:
There is no I in CactUS - Texas Tech University Museum

Art on the Llano Estacado (2016-2023) - Texas Tech University Museum

Artists Gallery - Lubbock Arts Festival

Plains Art Association Show - Wayland Baptist University - Best Acrylic

Lubbock Arts Festival Invitational Gallery

Louise Hopkins Underwood Art Center

Nature of ArtLubbock Color Studio Tour 

“Wonderful artist that really captures New Mexico with a modern eye. I have 3 small paintings from Mora Valley - had to, the yellow aspens just popped. Would love to get more.” Michael L

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